Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Download ( Latest)

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Download ( Latest)

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- Adobe reader for windows 10 offline installer

  Download free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software for your Windows, Mac OS and Android devices to view, print, and comment on PDF documents. You can download the Acrobat DC bit installers from this page by clicking the appropriate download button below. After the download is.  

Adobe - Download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC


Can I download an older version of Acrobat Reader on my machine? Adobe always recommends downloading and install the latest available version of Acrobat or the freeware Acrobat Reader app to get the latest features and security updates.

I have tried to use the link in your answer above to source an older version of DC that works with my software. Newer version of DC isnt compatible. Specifically the one I am after installs the version that runs the AcroRd I've been using Adobe Acrobat 9. Recently in the last quarter of the Adobe Reader updated to the latest DC version and arbitrarily removed Acrobat Standard from my system.

When I tried to re-install Acrobat Standard, the installer pops up a message saying "Setup has detected that you already have a more functional product installed. Setup will now terminate". Any idea how to fix the issue? Please create a restore point and back everything up before proceeding.

You will have to first uninstall the DC, then reinstall your older version of Acrobat. I had installed an older version of Acrobat after reinstalling the Acrobat starndard. I had the same experience where Adobe removed the Acrobat Standard 6. My system had to eventually be rebuild because when Adobe removed the program, it caused cruption to the file system. I am very upset by what Adobe did where they removed something I paid for. I'm all in for a class action! Including all of today's versions.

If you face an issue, please tell us, rather than guessing you need an old version. I am trying to download a form and get a message that I need to be using a 8. Was trying to find a newer version. Make sure you're opening the file using it, though, and not in a browser window or any other application.

You need to download the form and open it in Reader. I don't know which link you used, but be aware that Adobe since stopped updating the FTP server with the latest versions of Reader, unfortunately. So the morality of the story is: you can't get the older version of Acrobat Reader DC via le link. After fumbling a bit with the prehistoric filezilla I got into the Adobe ftp server.

I picked a version number at random. There is no way to find out which one will work without the Adobe bug that garbles every backside page when printing two sized on an HP Laserjet printer - see my post " Reader printing garbled text " this happens only with the 64 bit version of Acrobat reader DC on Windows Adobe Support Community. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.

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Learn more. Adobe Employee , Oct 28, Oct 28, Hope you are doing well and thanks for reaching out. Jump to latest reply. Correct answer by AnandSri. In Response To AnandSri. Hi Anand I have tried to use the link in your answer above to source an older version of DC that works with my software. Hi Remy5CF2 Hope you are doing well and thanks for reaching out. Hi Anand, I've been using Adobe Acrobat 9. In Response To A.

Just to add to my query above, I have a perpetual license. Test Screen Name. Thanks for any help that you might provide. In Response To Jamesc6id. No, Reader DC is much newer than version 8, so it should work fine. In Response To try Got it working by opening the file from within Reader. Thank you. Hi I have tried to download the older version of Adobe Reader from the link you privided.

However, all ftp links seems broken. Have these ftp links changed recently? Where can I get the older version of Adobe Reader. Thanks in advance. In Response To kou You must use a dedicated FTP client to open the link, it won't work in most browsers. I picked and it works! This version prints two sided. But the sign document feature is no longer there How do I get the 32 bit version with the signature feature? Do you have a different language or operating system? Enter your version of OS and language and then pick the current version NOT the one with 64 bit at the end.

That's not all! At the first opportunity Adobe will force the 64 version upon you and delete the precious 32 bit version!

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